Tuesday, December 19, 2006

New blog, new camera

First posting on the new Shadoweye blog comes at an exciting time: Park Cameras called this evening and they are holding a K10D for me.

There's been a lot of controversy about the review of the K10D on Digital Photography Review. The reviewer was not happy with the quality of the JPEG images produced by the K10D and rated the camera as "Highly Recommended (just)" - the last word stirred by much ire on the forums.

Personally I thought the review was clear and honest. It's true that the K10D's JPEGs are soft compared to the Nikon D80 or the Canon 400D, and this didn't go down well, but applying a sharpenng filter brought them up to be very comparable with those 2 cameras. The great thing about the dpreview review is that all of the files are downloadable - load them up into Photoshop and one can post process them to one's heart's content. The "(just)" seems a little harsh - but the review had many good things to say about the K10D and clearly showed that images produced from K10D RAW files are superb.

So, I'm greatly looking forward to trying out the new camera.

Starting lenses:
* Pentax 16-45 f4.0
* Pentax 70 f2.4 Limited

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